In reality, MORE GUNS = LESS CRIME while more RESTRICTIONS result in HIGHER CRIME.

Posted by Unknown on December 15, 2012

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This is true because reasonable, responsible, law-abiding people remain reasonable, responsible, and law-abiding whether they have a gun or not, but when they do have a gun, they are better able to stop or prevent criminal activity.

Criminals and idiots do what criminals and idiots DO regardless of laws to the contrary and firearm restrictions merely guarantee them a safer working environment.

The truth is that there are NO gun control laws that actually WORK. Gun control laws are WHOLLY INEFFECTIVE at reducing crime, suicide, or accidents, and they often snare innocent people in their complicated red tape.
...and sponsoring terrorism in Syria.

They cost hundreds of millions of dollars in direct and indirect costs to taxpayers leaving fewer resources available for truly effective prevention programs.

Not only are gun control laws ineffective, they

Gun control is a CRIME.

Posted by : Melissa Akira Aquino Ramírez

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